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Monday, September 30, 2019

For nurses who can't get the flu shot or don't want the flu shot

"If you opt not to get the flu vaccination, do you really want to wear a scratchy, paper mask for a 12 hour shift in order to protect yourself and others? Traditional paper masks, to be effective need to be changed every 2-3 hours, per the Centers for Disease and Control. Noel Kelsch in her article, Changing Masks, in Registered Dental Hygiene recommends that masks should be changed every 20 minutes in a wet environment, every 60 minutes in a non-aerosol environment, and between patients so providers do not pass bio-burdens from one patient to another."
Traditional masks can make the care provider feel separate and cut off from co-workers, patients and clients. Traditional face masks can also stifle the provider's speech, which hampers patient comprehension of what is being said."
Fortunately, there is a solution that allows you to still have comfortable mask protection that fosters connection and clear communication.

The solution?

"The Communicator mask with a clear window is designed to provide inclusion and accessibility while maintaining the ASTM Level 1 standard of care. We encourage all readers to discuss your medical history with your medical provider to determine whether a flu vaccination is right for you. Whatever your reason to consider forgoing the influenza vaccination, you can still protect yourself by wearing mask protection!"

"Get The Communicator mask to protect yourself, protect others, and keep the lines of communication open!"

Read more about the "Communicator mask" in an article written by Dr. Anne McIntosh, President of Safe 'N' Clear.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nothing comes easy! A message from Shaquill and Shaquem Griffin to nurses with one hand

"Nothing comes easy" 

According to the book publisher's notes, "that's been the motto for twin brothers Shaquill and Shaquem Griffin ever since they were kids dreaming of future glory in the National Football League. And that's the path they still follow each day. Rain or shine, in season and out of season, no matter what tries to stand in their way. You have to put in the work, because nobody can earn it for you. "Inseparable" is the Griffin brothers' story of working together to overcome every obstacle in their path." 

"And there have been plenty of obstacles-from striving to stand out in Pinellas County, Florida, to navigating prejudice and dishonest coaches, to Shaquem working through his limb difference to become the first player drafted into the modern NFL with only one hand."

It may not be easy, but it can be done!



The book "Inseparable" is available at:

Monday, September 9, 2019

Nursing student with a rare disorder featured on the Netflix series "Diagnosis"

In season 1, episode 1 "Detective work", Angel is a 23 year old nursing student who suffers from episodes of muscle pain so severe she often can't move. In order to move forward with her life and begin her nursing career, she needs answers. 

Dr. Lisa Sanders used crowd-sourcing to help Angel find a diagnosis. Angel's story is part of a documentary series based on Dr. Sanders column in the New York Times magazine. Dr. Sanders uses crowd sources to find diagnoses for rare and mysterious conditions.

A fascinating documentary series, this episode sheds light on the determination of a nursing student!

Bravo Angel!!!!

