Research, videos and more!


Friday, September 18, 2020

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Carlos Larrauri APRN uses his lived experience with schizophrenia to help others


Carlos "Tino" Larrauri, APRN is on a mission! As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, who happens to have schizophrenia, his goal is to interface practice, policy and research to reduce health disparities for people living with mental illness.

As a practicing nurse practitioner, he is dual-board certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner and a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. He serves on the board of directors for The National Alliance on Mental Illness and NAMI Miami-Dade. 

When he isn't seeing patients, he is busy public speaking, advocating and writing for publication. He also plays the guitar and harmonica and writes original music based on his lived experience. He performs with his friend Matthew "Matteo" Racher as FOGDOG ABOUT | FogDog (

You can learn more about Carlos "Tino" Larrauri, APRN at: 

Bravo and thanks for the all the work you do Tino!


*P.S. Carlos "Tino" in now in law school at the University of Michigan

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Nurses with disabilities: Need help from FEMA?


In California

For disaster- specific information in California, including eligible counties: Visit 

 Accessible videos can be found at the FEMA channel:

Outside of California 

Register with FEMA

Reasonable accommodations with the American Red Cross, FEMA and other partners 

FEMA assistance does not impact government benefits 

Please pass these accessible resources along!  

Stay safe, 


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Andrea Dalzell, RN... A nurse who uses a wheelchair receives one million dollar surprise!


What a remarkable achievement! Our hats off to Andrea Dalzell, RN, Good Morning America and The Craig H.Neilsen Foundation!

Andrea is an exceptional nurse and long time disability advocate. This photo is also included on the www. web site.

We wish her all the best!  

You can view the GMA clip at:

