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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Andrea Dalzell, Ms. Wheelchair New York and disability advocate becomes a nurse!

Andrea Dalzell, RN

The United Spinal Organization reported the following about Andrea Dalzell:

"As a wheelchair user striving to become a nurse, Andrea Dalzell has been surrounded by doubt from day one. Nursing school administrators questioned her ability to complete the program. Hospital administrators told her insurance wouldn’t cover her. Faculty doubted her ability to safely administer the duties of the job."
"Dalzell, 29, learned to tune them out. “I detach from whatever situation is actually happening and just take a moment to remember why I’m doing it,” she says. “Part of that is to say that I’m out there in the world doing something that someone told me that I couldn’t do.  And that’s something that we’ve all been told at one point or another, that we can’t do something. That’s my fuel for the fire. Tell me I can’t, so that I can show you how well I can.”

"Whether it was passing finals with the highest grades, receiving exemplary feedback from patients’ families or simply figuring out a way to accomplish her daily responsibilities from her chair, Dalzell has done more than just show she can be a nurse; she has proven she can be an excellent one. Later this year she will graduate from the College of Staten Island with her bachelor’s in nursing and take her boards. Then she will finally be a nurse."
Bravo Andrea!


Update: Andrea graduated from nursing school and passed her boards!!!!!


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  2. Great job. I also graduated Nursing school in a wheelchair from ECU in 2009.Trust me I know the pain you may have endured. Now I am working on my Nurse Practitoner certification. Continue on in the nursing they need us.

  3. Great job. I also graduated Nursing school in a wheelchair from ECU in 2009.Trust me I know the pain you may have endured. Now I am working on my Nurse Practitoner certification. Continue on in the nursing they need us.

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