Let's take a look back on 2020! Here are the top 5 Exceptional Nurse blog posts about nurses with disabilities.
Bethany J. Baker, BSN, RN, likely first Deaf nurse in Florida, graduates!
Bethany Baker, BSN,RN http://exceptionalnurse.blogspot.com/2020/12/bethany-j-baker-bsn-rn-likely-first.html
BYU professors design Bluetooth stethoscope to keep health care practitioners safe amid COVID-19 -- Also helped nursing student who wears hearing aids!
Chia-Chi Teng and Crail Nuttall, NP
https://exceptionalnurse.blogspot.com/2020/07/byu-professors-design-bluetooth.htmlAndrea Dalzell, RN... A nurse who uses a wheelchair receives one million dollar surprise!
Andrea Dalzell,BSN, RN NightWare app may help nurses with PTSD
Help for Indiana nurses stuck on suspension due to Covid-19
Cheers and Happy New Year!
very interesting and inspiring karon Gibson RN