Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A rare form of dwarfism and renal failure didn't stop Rachael Johnson, RN


The Queensland Nurses and Midwives' Union reported the following on their Facebook page.

QNMU member and RN Rachael Johnson has a rare form of dwarfism and was diagnosed with renal failure at a young age. She shares her inspiring story with us on International Day of People with Disability - Australia.

"I spent four years on dialysis before receiving a kidney transplant when I was seven years old.

Because of this experience I knew I wanted to become a nurse and repay the people who had made such a difference to my life.

However, things weren’t plain sailing. I was belittled by nursing facilitators and repeatedly told that a nursing course was not suitable for me and I should “go and find something you can do”.

But my desire to become a nurse held strong. I worked tirelessly and qualified as a paediatric nurse in 2009.

I may not be able to reach the top shelf in the store cupboard, but I can empathise fully with the patients in my care.

I am living proof that you should never let anyone stop you from fulfilling your dreams."



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