Sunday, August 11, 2024

Brianna Fogelman, transplant patient, becomes a nurse at Johns Hopkins


AFRO News reported this story.

"When Brianna Fogelman checks on her patients, the Johns Hopkins nurse pays close attention to their emotional state. She knows that’s expected of every nurse, but it feels especially vital to her — not long ago, the 27-year-old registered nurse, who cares for patients about to undergo or recover from surgery, grappled with her own fears as she waited for a new set of lungs at The Johns Hopkins Hospital." 

"Throughout her childhood, Fogelman struggled with asthma and other chronic lung problems, which worsened over time. She entered her 20s often gasping for breath, and she eventually required portable oxygen. In 2018, during her third year of nursing school in Delaware, she was referred to Johns Hopkins transplant pulmonologist Pali Shah, who placed her on a national waiting list for a double-lung transplant. During the next few months, Fogelman’s lungs collapsed twice, and then she developed pneumonia."

 Read more at:

Breathing Easier: The Journey from Transplant Patient to Johns Hopkins Nurse | AFRO American Newspapers



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