Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year's affirmations for nurses and nursing students with disabilities

    Please accept the following affirmations from Connie Adleman, RN, stroke survivor and author of a chapter in "The Exceptional  Nurse: Tales from the trenches of truly resilient nurses working with disabilities".
I use my limitations as an opportunity to grow.
I give thanks that any limitation that I experience is a gift teaching me about myself.
I always focus on and count my possibilities for success.
I have unlimited potential.
I love myself exactly as I am.

Connie Stallone Adleman, RN

Nurse, educator, stroke survivor, author, mentor and coach

Please feel free to add a comment or additional affirmation for the New Year.

Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. So inspiring! I feel too I have to live by this! After being told I'll never work again in my calling and the Godsend of Case Management Now the changes medical! The struggle with Chromic Pain but perseverance Once "A Nurse Always Nurse" We are needed more Now than Ever!! Thank you for Posting!
