Saturday, June 22, 2024

Ever thought about becoming an independent nurse consultant?


Michelle Greene Rhodes can show you the way to get started! 

Life coach. Mentor. Business Consultant.

"Michelle Greene Rhodes is known as The Life Coach and Business Consultant for Nurse Entrepreneurs.
Inspired by her passion, she assists health professionals who struggle with the “start-up” phases of their business. She helps them free up their time and find a purpose filled life of their own by streamlining the first steps of entrepreneurship."

Upon completion of this continuing education course, participants will be able to:

List 3 steps in determining a name for a new company.
Describe 2 methods of accepting payments for a new business.
Explain 3 potential methods of funding a new business start up.

 Follow the link below to learn more about this course and how to sign up.  #Affiliatelink



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