Sunday, August 4, 2024

Nursing student Lauryn Matzke isn't letting cerebral palsy get in the way of becoming a nurse!


Arizona Digital Free Press reported on this story.

"Lauryn Matzke is a first-year student at Western Maricopa Education Center, which is a career and technical education public school district based in Glendale.

Ms. Matzke, who lives with cerebral palsy and Type 1 diabetes, decided to begin her medical education with West-MEC’s medical assisting program and is now a top performer, according to a press release.

Ms. Matzke suffered a stroke when she was 1-day old, causing hemiplegic cerebral palsy, a condition she will live with for the rest of her life, the release states.

“I was worried about Lauryn finding her own way to complete assignments, but she proved that there was no need for negativity or worrying,” Ms. Ray said. “She thrives in class and handles every task with grace. It’s incredible to see Lauryn and her classmates work as a team to achieve success together.”

After Ms. Matzke completes West-MEC’s Medical Assisting program, she plans to attend Glendale Community College to pursue a nursing career, while interning at Phoenix Children’s Hospital."

Read more at:

Lauryn Matzke excels at West-MEC medical assisting program - Arizona Digital Free Press

And learn about a device her class built to help her excelClass builds device to help student excel in Surprise medical assisting program (



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