Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tales from a Scottish neurodivergent student nurse

"This diagnosis has answered so many unanswered questions about myself. I have shared this in the hope that this also offers insight to my friends, family and those who know me. Being different has come with a long list of challenging experiences of being misunderstood, misconceived and underestimated by others and I know that many other neurodivergent individuals (thus including other neurodivergent student nurses) have experienced the same stigma in the world which is quite frankly not on, particularly in this day and age. It is with this in mind that I intend to do my bit to work towards informing some change to these misconceptions of neurodivergent individuals, because by goodness we have so much to offer the world! Neurodiversity has never stopped me, and never will."

Read more from Chlo Jack at: 

Chlo Jack On Her Mac



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